So, the story of the ripped off flashing continues. I called the people who installed the roof in 2009 because they advertised doing siding, but they couldn't do this.  They did give me the name of a guy they used for other work sometimes and he came over to look at it on New Year's Day.  He came back today (1/8) and installed a heavier flashing and screwed it in with screws and small washers.  This will be there if the rest of the house falls down!  I wouldn't want it on the north side like that, where it's visible to the street, but this is fine. 

Well, later in the day, I was waiting for a ride to a bridge game, and I spotted a couple of bumble bees in the heather, so I went to take a look at them.  And, as I looked over the bank, I spotted that missing piece of flashing just lying there.  I had to laugh.  And I also have to add that though that wind ripped off my flashing, it didn't rip off the alarm sign this time.  I had the new one taped to the post with Gorilla tape.  I guess that stuff is pretty good after all.  

New Year's Eve, I spent the afternoon at Kara's and Laura's, and we had an 8 person Square 9 match which was lots of fun.  I had previously purchased green grapes to take along (at almost $5 a pound!) and when the day arrived, I couldn't find them - not in the fridge or the garage or anyplace I thought of.  Damn!  A few days later, I found them in the chest freezer when I was after veggies.  I'm leaving them in the freezer and will take them out a few at a time for "ice cubes".  

Well, I gave up on the frozen grapes and threw them out after only eating a handful.  Oh well...

The rest of January rolled on by and Trump was inaugurated again.  Between him and Musk, the country is being ripped apart as of this writing (2/11).  There have been many rulings by the courts against him, but he and Musk are just ignoring them.  I fear for the survival of the country.  In the meantime, I try to live my life and not get too bogged down by what he is doing though you wouldn't know that from my Facebook page. 

Choir started up again on January 9th. It seems smaller than first term, but still a great bunch of people and a great sound.  The concert is March 10th. 

Lavender Womyn started up again a few months ago with Carol and Jan as the heads.  We have a lunch once a month on a Sunday and between 10 and 13 gals show up.  I took a new gal I met recently, Carol, along with me in Feb.  She is definitely a flower child hippy type but nice.  It's impossible for me to visit with more than one or two people near me as my hearing just doesn't allow it. Most restaurants bounce the sound around too much on hard surfaces. 

I got sick on the 5th of Feb (thanks Frances) with the worst cold I've had in years.  Knocked me flat on my back for a few days with a bad cough.  I coughed so hard my ribs and stomach hurt.  After 6 days I finally was doing better and seemed past the worst of it. Maggie was very patient with me and didn't seem to mind not getting a walk in all that much. 

She continues to snort and wheeze. Our last trip to see Dr. Dan resulted in deciding it's the flap of skin covering the trachea and esophagus not getting out of the way.  Her lungs are clear and her heart murmur to worse.  She is definitely 100% deaf but doesn't seem all that bothered by it.  At least my cranking the TV up when I have my hearing aids out doesn't bother her.   

Max continues to want to spend most of his days lying on me but sometimes I find him lying on one of the heating vents in my bathroom or the kitchen.  He too is getting old.  Our trip to the vet revealed he has lost a pound and is borderline hyper thyroid but otherwise seems healthy so I'm not going to worry about it. 
On February 17th I went to the protest downtown with a couple of friends to demonstrate against Trump and Musk.  There were over 200 people there - not too bad for a county that is more red than blue.  

On the 28th we were to not buy anything which I managed to do, and I also stayed off FB that day which was harder than I anticipated.