So, the story of the ripped off flashing continues. I called the people who installed the roof in 2009 because they advertised doing siding, but they couldn't do this. They did give me the name of a guy they used for other work sometimes and he came over to look at it on New Year's Day. He came back today (1/8) and installed a heavier flashing and screwed it in with screws and small washers. This will be there is the rest of the house falls down! I wouldn't want it on the north side like that, where it's visible to the street, but this is fine.
Well, later in the day, I was waiting for a ride to a bridge game, and I spotted a couple of bumble bees in the heather, so I went to take a look at them. And, as I looked over the bank, I spotted that missing piece of flashing just lying there. I had to laugh. And I also have to add that though that wind ripped off my flashing, it didn't rip off the alarm sign this time. I had the new one taped to the post with Gorilla tape. I guess that stuff is pretty good after all.
New Year's Eve, I spent the afternoon at Kara's and Laura's, and we had an 8 person Square 9 match which was lots of fun. I had previously purchased green grapes to take along (at almost $5 a pound!) and when the day arrived, I couldn't find them - not in the fridge or the garage or anyplace I thought of. Damn! A few days later, I found them in the chest freezer when I was after veggies. I'm leaving them in the freezer and will take them out a few at a time for "ice cubes".